Pressed Corners Are Good Corners

I think it’s fair to say that we all wish we had a cornerback that could play press all night and always jam up the receiver.
But that’s almost never the case.
DI athletes aren’t all over the place.
Who is all over the place, though?
We are, the coaches.
Press coverage is something that we need to teach better.
Just because you don’t think your players physically can handle it, doesn’t mean they can’t learn to play with great technique and be successful.
Let me show you a little bit of how Michael Donnelly from the MAV43D teaches Jam Press:
The Stance:
Your corner will align with an inside shade with a square stance.
This means that his outside eye will be on the inside eye of the receiver.
In the picture above, that would mean that your cornerback’s left eye would be lined up with the receiver’s left eye.
This leverage is usually good for your players that aren’t super fast.
They won’t be too far inside to not be able to defend sharp in breaking routes.
On to the Jab.
The Jab:
First, your corner needs to Step with Inside Foot and Jab with Inside Hand.
Teach him to lock his elbow out just like he is bench pressing.
He should strike with his palm because that’s the hardest part of the hand.
And that step forward should be no more than 6 inches.
Second, do not “open the gate” with your outside foot.
If that outside foot opens up, then the receiver doesn’t have to take a wide angle to get vertical outside.
If you keep that outside foot locked in place, then you are forcing the receiver to take at least a 45 degree angle of departure.
Outside Release
When the receiver goes outside, Coach Donnelly teaches the corners to kick step out.
They do not cross over.
Inside Release
Flop hands.
That’s all Coach Donnelly teaches.
If your corner can flop his hands then he can maintain that inside leverage without locking out his hips.
Teach your players how to press.
Your guys can do it, you just have to teach it.
It’s amazing what your players will be able to do once you know how to teach it.
And to fully teach it, click here to access the full course.