Who is Coach Roger Holmes?
Coach Holmes has been a Head Football Coach for 29 years–the past 18 years at Dublin High School, Georgia. He has won 161 games with 8 Region Championships and 2 State Championships with the Fighting Irish. Before coming to Georgia, Coach Holmes had won 73 games in eleven years at Beech High School, Tennessee.

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Money Back Guarantee
It’s possible that you may get your package in the mail and decide that our Gang Green system does not fit your programs needs. As fellow coaches, it has always been our motto: “Coaches Helping Coaches” and over the years we have found the coaching profession to be one of the most honorable and ‘giving’ group of any profession.
That is why we will refund every penny you paid if you return all merchandise in its original condition within 30 days of receiving it.
No Questions Asked
We will also break up the $400 into three monthly installments of $140 each (yes we are charging $21 in interest) to make it easy on programs with small operating budgets.
Now you don’t have to worry about the cost issue because I’m taking on all the risk. If you don’t like my Gang Green system, don’t want it, or can’t use it, just send it back to us.
“I bought the whole set of 4-2-5 Gang Green DVD’s and it was one of the best one’s I have ever seen. Great presentation and the DVDs were very easy to follow. Rick also responded to my email when I had a question. Definitely worth the money spent!” –Scott Mathenia, Dumbarton School, Baltimore Maryland
Roger Holmes Special Teams
Who is Coach Roger Holmes?

Coach Holmes has been a Head Football Coach for 29 years–the past 18 years at Dublin High School, Georgia. He has won 161 games with 8 Region Championships and 2 State Championships with the Fighting Irish. Before coming to Georgia, Coach Holmes had won 73 games in eleven years at Beech High School, Tennessee. Coach Holmes has spent his entire career coaching the Wing T. He was introduced to his system as an Assistant for 6 years to Herschel Moore at Beech High School. Coach Holmes has continued to add to the original system of Coach Moore.
His overall football record as head coach is 234-108-1.
- STATE COACH OF THE YEAR in both Tennessee (1995) and Georgia (2002,2006 & 2019)
- Georgia Athletic Coaches Association COACH-OF-THE-YEAR in 2002, 2005, & 2006 & 2019
- Georgia Record for most points scored in a regular season in 2005 (549)
- Georgia Record for points scored in a full season in 2006 (682).
Coach Holmes has been a National Wing-T Speaker of the Glazier Clinics, speaking at over 20 clinics.
What's included in this program?
KICKOFF RETURN: Sideline Returns
- Learn a simple kickoff return scheme that any team can implement.
- Learn common mistakes players make in the return game and learn from a 29-year veteran on how to correct them.
- Learn the correct blocking techniques for your front line so they can execute their blocking assignments..
- Learn the correct distance between the returners to increase the likelihood for a successful return.
In any evenly matched game, more often than not, a game can be won or lost on special teams.
Kickoff return is your first offensive play, and by keeping alignments & assignments simple, your return team will produce good returns and gain better field position consistently.
Known for his discipline and commitment to fundamentals, Roger Holmes develops teams that consistently finish in the Top 10 in Georgia. In this presentation, he shares the fundamentals of a successful return. Using both practice and game footage, he teaches the techniques used in his sideline return.
As multiple returns are shown, the 2-time Georgia state champ Coach shows how proper technique impacts the effectiveness of the return team.
Holmes details the personnel requirements for the return team and diagrams his sideline return vs kicks to all parts of the field.
Discover his slam and reverse returns that’s simple to teach and execute, but difficult for the kickoff coverage team to cover.
Coaches at every level will benefit from this approach to the kick return game. Incorporate these fundamental drills and skills into your special teams this season.
Spread Rugby PUNT: Eliminate Returns
Protections rules and techniques for each player in a rugby punt formation
Coach Holme’s Rugby Punt gives a detailed explanation of the advantages of the rugby punt. It covers the techniques used by the punter as well as all aspects of coverage and protection. If you are using or considering the rugby punt it is definitely worth your time.” – Willie Fritz, Tulane University Head Coach
Coach Holmes begins by explaining why you should use the rugby punt. The rugby punt allows the punting team to always have the threat of a fake . Additionally, employing rugby-style punting typically sees fewer punts returned and much better coverage. You’ll get details about the basic responsibilities and alignment rules for each player. Blocking rules and techniques are covered and shown on game film by
Coach Holmes gives an in-depth explanation of the coverage rules for each position with the rugby punt system. Extensive film review is also included, in which Coach Holmes provides coaching points and touches on some of the issues that can arise from running a rugby punt system.
Coach Holmes does an excellent job giving a detailed explanation on the rugby punt. The rugby punt has made a dramatic impact on both the college and high school game, and with the help of this video, your team will greatly improve its punting efficiency!
KICKOFF Coverage System: Directional Kick Away From Return Man
Learn from 29-year Head Coaching veteran ROGER HOLMES, who has played for 3 state titles in Georgia, winning two of them.
A winner of 241 games, Holmes goes into great detail about a very simple way to install & teach KICKOFF COVERAGE
- Deep Kick Short Corner
- Deep Kick Wide Side
- Labkick
- Onside
The master of “what-if” scenarios, Coach Holmes does a great job explaining how your KICKOFF team should react to all the things a return team can do.

It’s possible that you may get your package in the mail and decide that our Gang Green system does not fit your programs needs. As fellow coaches, it has always been our motto: “Coaches Helping Coaches” and over the years we have found the coaching profession to be one of the most honorable and ‘giving’ group of any profession.
That is why we will refund every penny you paid if you return all merchandise in its original condition within 30 days of receiving it.
We will also break up the $400 into three monthly installments of $140 each (yes we are charging $21 in interest) to make it easy on programs with small operating budgets.
Now you don’t have to worry about the cost issue because I’m taking on all the risk. If you don’t like my Gang Green system, don’t want it, or can’t use it, just send it back to us.
“I bought the whole set of 4-2-5 Gang Green DVD’s and it was one of the best one’s I have ever seen. Great presentation and the DVDs were very easy to follow. Rick also responded to my email when I had a question. Definitely worth the money spent!” –Scott Mathenia, Dumbarton School, Baltimore Maryland