Youth Wing-T System

Coach: Rick Stewart

Youth Wing T Offense Complete Playbook



Video Introduction

Merging the fast tempo & deception of the Under Center Wing-T offense with the slick read options out of

the Pistol formation, Stewart’s Pistol Wing-T offense is an up tempo, multiple formation offense that’s primary

purpose is to put defenders in conflict.

Whether snapping the ball within 3 seconds after breaking the huddle or not huddling at all, this fast pace

offense does not allow the defense to line up properly or make adjustments. Run every play out of MANY

different formations, making the defense think that a play like BELLY is actually 8 different plays!!!

“Do Everything Really Fast and Confuse the Defense”

The Pistol Wing-T offense has evolved into an extremely effective system that does not have to change from

year to year as different types of athletes come through your program.

THE PISTOL FORMATION moves the QB back 3 yards and the FB stays behind him.

 BACKFIELD STEPS ARE THE SAME as traditional Wing-T.

 EASIER TO PASS as QB can read defense

As you can see, this offense puts so much pressure on the defense by using lots of formations, lining up

before the defense can make their calls, and making the QB A THREAT on every play.

Since the original videos were published in 2010, thousands of copies have been sold. In addition to

running the offense for 12 years, I have corresponded with hundreds of coaches running the offense and have

installed the offense at over 100 schools in 48 different states. This youth manual, along with the 3rd Edition

Playbook is a culmination of the many updates and wrinkles to this exciting offense contributed by this vast pool

of coaching knowledge over the past decade.

There are THREE versions of every play:

3rd and 4th GRADE: No pulling linemen. There are only 6 blocking rules for the linemen to learn.

There is a total of 8 running plays, 6 pass plays, and Wraparound Sally draw play

5th and 6th GRADE: Find your best lineman, put him at Guard, and he is the only puller.

There are only 8 blocking rules for the linemen to learn. All play calls use words, not numbers.

There is a total of 9 running plays, 8 pass plays, and Wraparound Sally draw play

“The 3 yd alignment is a “happy medium” between under

center (allowing TB to hit the LOS the quickest) and the 5 yd

alignment (giving QB most time to make his reads).”


7th and 8th GRADE: Both guards can pull, but not the tackles. The holes and backs are numbered, so

play calling at this level is more versatile.

There are a total of 10 running plays, 12 pass plays, and Wraparound Sally draw play


The Wing-T is a SYSTEM, not a collection of plays. Play calling is based on “if-then” statements

produced by putting players in conflict. Defenders are put in conflict by “Look-A-Like” backfield actions and

blocking schemes. The play caller needs to understand these philosophies and they are explained in detail in this


Chapter 2 starts off with what types of players should be at each position. Huddle, Alignments,

Formations, and Motions are also diagrammed in Chapter 2 while Chapter 3 shows you how to put the entire play

call together.

RUN GAME (75 pages)

The Wing-T offense groups plays into “series” or “families”. Every series has one run play for each of the 3

backs plus a play action pass. The 4 plays in every series look identical so make it difficult for the defense to

figure out who has the ball.

The Jet Sweep family in Ch 4 shows how to run the entire offense using the flat Jet motion, which

includes Jet, Guard Trap, Counter, and Boot.

Chapter 5 is the Belly Family, which is the weakside iso play, a counter, an outside sweep play, and a

play action pass.

Chapter 6 is the Down Family, which is a powerful off-tackle play to the Tight End side, and also

includes a counter, a sweep, and a play action pass.

Chapter 7 is the short yardage and trick plays.

Every play is drawn up vs a 6-2, a 5-3, a 5-3 shade, and a Bear front. For example, we show you how to run

three versions “JET SWEEP RIGHT” at 4th, 6th, and 8th grade levels. And each version is drawn up versus

the 4 fronts. So, you get 12 drawings of JET SWEEP RIGHT.

PASS GAME (28 pages)

We have made this very simple play action passes and sprint out passes. There are no pocket protections

because at the youth level, getting your best athlete sprinting out with the threat to run or pass is the best RPO to



 PASS ROUTE concepts in a simple language so a few concepts combined with a few formations

gives the defense a lot to worry about; Every route is drawn up showing every single step the receiver


 QB FOOTWORK also has every step drawn out so it is easy for any dad to teach.

 PLAY ACTION are Belly, Down, and Boot Pass.

 QUICK 1-step passing game that gives your athletes the ball in space; (slant, fade, swing, stick)


 SPRINT OUT off of Jet motion putting edge defenders in conflict with the QB run threat. Stewart

shows you 4 versions of his sprint out passing game that he uses at the varsity level in high school so

you can choose the one that will go to your best player in space.

 A simple SCREEN concept that can go to any of your 3 players, but linemen only learn one blocking


Stewart’s WRAPAROUND SALLY play is worth the price of this book. It is the play that put Stewart on the

map and the #1 reason that 110 schools have flown him in as an offensive consultant. It is a Sprint Draw concept

off the Jet motion but the QB “wraps” the ball behind the FB, sliding it into his belly from behind so the defense

never knows who has the ball.


 Detailed explanations of what to look for when watching opponent’s films.

 Flow charts of “If-Then” statements using plays that are most effective vs defenses.

 How to call the plays on Friday night so that the defense is in conflict.



9-pages of Offensive Line drills

Running back drills showing Gauntlet, Zig Zag, Blocking, Faking, Fool Me drills

Full backfield drills to teach the precise mesh points and timing necessary to fake out the defense.

The QB section has 6 drills to teach proper throwing mechanics.

Ch 12 is all about practice organization

Ch 13 is how to attack defenses

In the Appendix there is a Blocking rule summary; Wristband template; GameDay Call Sheets; Summary of

the entire offense, Drawings on how to make blocking chutes from PVC pipe;

Stewart will also email you all the PowerPoints to share with players and coaches.

I offer you my personal guarantee: I am joining your coaching staff so email me with any questions at

[email protected]. I am committed to helping you build a CHAMPIONSHIP OFFENSE. There are also

videos and articles on my website: “Coaches Helping Coaches

Take a sneak peek inside the book...


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