Course 2: Comprehensive Motion System

MOTIONS create TWO formations on the SAME play

MOTIONS create TWO formations on the SAME play

The TIGHT END DRIVEN MULTIPLE GUN OFFENSE is an up-tempo, no-huddle offense that puts stress on defense PRE-SNAP

  • Having a gazillion formations…
  • Changing them right before the snap with motion

Coach Marty will walk you through the logistics of calling and communicating motions

Additionally he will show you why this creates STRESS POINTS for the defense and makes the run game better. 

Shift the Tight End.   Motion the SNIFFER…multiple personnel groupings to maximize your efficiency in all phase of your offense. 

When you watch the MULTIPLE GUN OFFENSE on game day, you will see a team that runs more offense (different formations, motions, plays, and concepts) that most college teams at any level, and is ultra efficient and effective doing it. 

He will teach you the foundational principles to his TIGHT END DRIVEN MULTIPLE GUN OFFENSE so that you can implement at whatever level you are at!

Not Enrolled

Course Includes

  • 16 Lessons

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